Another interesting fact was that the garden was entirely irrigated by collected rainwater. They collect it from the roof:
Which drains to the ground, where the tiled floors are set above the ground floor so that water can collect and nourish the desert plants:
Pretty smart! You can view my entire Flickr set here:
The day was pretty scorching, and Adrien, Katy and I decided we were going to go swimming. The house is not big enough to sleep all of us, so some of the students are being put up in a hotel across the street, which has a pool. Luckily, even those of us not staying at the hotel get to use the pool, so we decided to take full advantage of that privilege. It was really nice to lay out in the sun, and I almost fell asleep a few times before lunch. Incidentally, lunch was a fantastic vegetarian meal with some noodles in a sauce made from a fungus that grows in corn. Sounds weird, but it was the most delicious thing we've had in Oaxaca. Another semi-interesting fact: we eat corn pretty much every meal. I think there are like 17 million varieties of corn that grow down here and they make all kinds of stuff with it. Here is a photo of Tomo drinking a beverage made of corn and chocolate at the organic market on Saturday. Again, sounds weird but it is delicious:
After lunch, we were pretty exhausted from hanging out in the sun all day, but unfortunately, I had a coffee after lunch which pretty much lasted exactly the length of our siesta time and wore off when we had to go to a three hour discussion of the articles from our reader. Needless to say, I was hurting through that portion of the class.
Tomo, Adrien, Katy, Mariana (the class T.A.) and i met up with Eberth and Leo at the Caffeine (pronounced "ka-fa-een") Bar, a cafe and bar in town for a few drinks. I'll tell you what, I really needed a beer after that 3 hour discussion session.
Eberth and Adrien at the Caffeine Bar:
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